Monday, July 1, 2019

Star chart check in @ 1 week

Yesterday marked one full week with the Star Chart.  How'd I do?  Place your bets now.  No scrolling down and cheating!!  Let's do some analysis, shall we??

On first glance, not bad!!

It was a perfect 7-star week for "water the plants" and "help with the dishes" (didn't expect that on the latter).  Good thing "put the laundry away" isn't on here......yet!

Looks like I hit 6/7 stars for "drink enough water".  I was super busy on Thurs and definitely didn't drink enough at work. 

I slept really well 5/7 nights - and by that I mean 7+ hours of sleep (trying for 8).  I felt great this week because of the sheer increase in sleep over multiple days.

I also had 5/7 stars for "do your PT exercises.  This would have been 4, except that I got out of bed Sunday night and did them, all of them, just to get another star on the board.  See, this silly thing works!

Eat your veggies was surprisingly the hardest one, at only 4/7 stars.  It's really hard to eat enough veggies.  Think about it, do you?  Not fruit......would be easy if you counted fruit.  Nope, veggies.  I am trying to add them in to breakfast or at least mid-morning snack.  It's weird though, guys!  I'm trying.

So, I ended the week with a total of 34/42 stars.  That's an 81% achievement level.  What's that in school kid grades, a B-?

It's not terrible!  But I think I have some easy ones in there that will come off so I can put more relevant things on.  Anyway this continues to amuse me and motivate me in a weird way so I will continue to put up my velcro stars until I get bored with it.

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